Sharing Some Bits.

To be a lean developer through sharing!

Unblock Dll Extension

"A helper extension remove extension dll from Visual Studio."

No Access Error in Visual StudioThe given below error is very common, frustrating and encountered by many Visual Studio users.Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\project.pdb" to "bin\proj......

Assembler & Linker

IntroductionBetween compiling and executing a High-Level programming language, Many intermediate steps like Lexical Analyzing, Syntax Analyzing, Semantic Analyzing, Pre Optimizing, Assembly Code ge......

Stand Up Script

"Powershell script to remind you stand up and take break while you work continuously "

Stand Up ScriptPowershell script that will alert at each hour by Desktop notification as well as using beep sound. To avoid continues sitting and working this script will help to remind to stand up......

Revert a Commit Which Already Pushed to a Remote Repository

You’ve just pushed your local branch to a remote branch, but then realized that some errors happened. Eg: That there was some unacceptable typo in commit message. You just added a unwanted file ......

Welcome to My Blog

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

“Yeah It’s on. ” Hello World..Welcome to My Blog ...